After weeks and weeks - and before that, years, to put in single digits - of the cry of fascism, the seeming fact of is finally . Notably, the ever-lasting promises to resign partition in the American experiment and depart the republic for the old, or otherwise other, more blessed swathes of the "new" world, has been followed by sullen sulking and return to the normalcy of generating income. Income which the coming administration, perhaps even in the minds of the critics, will be successful in collecting, with quarterly revenues and GDP growth boosted beyond those the fateful year, if we are to trust this narration, of 2024.
Doubtlessly 2024 was a watershed, as 1824 (with its aftermath of 1828 and 1829-1837) was and as 1924 might have been, had the dangerously radical La Follette expanded his success beyond the people's republic of Wisconsin, and what follows is to be written into the history books in tones of , or at best, torpor.
Rape, unwashed unkept hands, Russian espionage, the accusations have hardly eased since 2016, when the calls of either "old-school neocon Republican goodfella", or straight out "plutocrat" (fair enough for the progeny of Exxon Mobile) hit all the nominees, and Mike Flynn fell.
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