tisdag 30 april 2024

Revoluçao dos Cravos

A revolution, or revoluçao as spoken in the noble Lusitanian tongue, which has hardly been forgotten but - like the regime which it ended - overlooked in its execution, ,composition, result - and largely, which is hard to disentangle from the legacious and enduring war in Angola, or rather, the Savimbi phase of it, its causes - is that which sprung out like a quickly blossoming spring on the 25th of April, or 25 de Abril, the name of the previously named Ponte Salazar still making a red scar across Lisbon, five days and five decades ago. It was in reality a revolution both long and short in the making, which preceded the more anticipated, and more present - although arguably more violent - one in Spain the following years. 

And it should be called a revolution, not only for the mark of the time and the drastic circumstances which it changed, if perhaps inexorably, with the toppling of the civilian bureaucratic regime by its (as it turned out) new military leadership, the ejection of Caetano and Tomas to its long-lost colony of Brazil, not or only late to return, respectively. 

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