onsdag 30 december 2020
Obituary Over A Decade (measurements!)
måndag 7 december 2020
Obituary over the Undying
At 26 years and two weeks, he participated in the "glorious revolution", taking place in the July so prone to revolutions, including the memorable and recent 14 July (not the one you think about) establishing Arab nationalism outside, or alongside its blossom in great Misr, as well as eliminating the British holdfast in the heart of the old Caliphate and far older Mesopotamian cradle. But in fulfilling the promise made by Qasem's 1958 uprising, not only against a flawed and schizophrenic Hashemite monarchy but against disorder and revolution itself, its progeny would carry the promise of Ba'ath to fruition as a perfectly ordered police state, including a throbbing collision with its only twin and neighbour, the Alawite Assad-Ba'athist monarchy. For 35 years it would last, and Izzat Ibrahim would, strangely, follow it from the start to beyond its death throbs, including that very violent one christening itself the Dawlah al-Islamiyyah. Caliph he would never be, nor President, nor would he have wanted either, but in that small embodiment of power in the shadows, the shoulder beckoning between the head and the arm, always faithful, juxtaposing his quiet persona with a formidable presence in the ever-changing inner circle of the burgeoning Hussein dictatorship. After the bloody 1979 takeover, he just as quietly assumed the Vice Presidency the new ruler had left empty, and conjoined his obvious ambitions as Saddam's Dauphin to actual mingling of blood by marrying his daughter, one of an alleged 13, to the infamous Uday. Which of the bride's closest two men would have assumed power, if a third could not be produced and grow to maturity, we shall not know now, that the benefactor fell before his, in Tony Benn's and Jacques Chirac's view and, maybe, god's, time. Izzat would, perhaps the most remarkable (and on a personal level surely exhilerating) feat of the long and brutal dictatorship that took cue from its bloody inauguration - if one counts the takeover of July, yet again, 1979, that is - by compelling a divorce from the dictator in the wings by order of the current one. In this, perhaps, he also demonstrated an affection for his own blood which, typically for the Arab tribalist bonds that survive even the most strident and terroristic institutions of the regime, and perhaps fatherly affections as well. It was a suggestion that few would have dared. And seemed only the more respected and irreplacable for it.
The steward walking unhesitantly, already moving past the leader.
For the long, painful and glorious years that was liberated Iraq, he presided over a growing economy, a rapid expansion of the military, and eight long - and, again, dangerous not the least to those in positions of command - years of challenging the rivalling beacon, in many ways its supposed antithesis, in Persia, followed by an impossibly even more audacious challenge of its two main benefactors, King Fahd's Saudi Arabia and Bush's United States. And endured, at some point, what had just as likely been a death sentence by means of leukemia. A position in the highest ranks of the green would have allowed professional medical care, but Izzat hedged his bets by travelling to the European Union to ascertain treatments at a clinic in Vienna, avoiding arrest for the many war crimes piled up in the shadow of his master. Yet again, the grim face with the more eye-stealing moustache seemed to endure in its everlasting laughter.
With the dusk of the Ba'athist regime, his would wait for another two decades, or very nearly so. The invasion of 2003 that toppled the government, Izzat went into hiding like his boss, and fellow Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan, both executed in four years' time. And Izzat remained nowhere to be found. Due to his aged and always seemingly frail state, one might have expected him to be dead, or else in exile. But Izzat was not one to run, and his equally undying loyalty to the now very dead and deplored Saddam was expressed in the proclamation of his rise to national secretary of the party endured. As the merger of the Ba'athist regime, now a measly and outlawed party, and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's organisation, controversially present before the 2003 invasion (and thus by presidential fiat), soon an approved affiliate with the franchise-prone al-Qa'ida hawk whose shadow had supposedly legitimised the intervention, would soon make its presence known, under the brand of Islamic State of Iraq. Of all the top names testifying of the Ba'athist-Sunni blessing, or reconstitution, of the regime into a radical, populist, openly terroristic (without the prefix "state") organisation bent on establishing an actual Islamic State in Iraq, it was yet again in the shadow of civil infighting between Shi'ah and Sunni factions and the supposedly global Jihadi threat.
Wrongful death. Of all the obituaries written over the dead, from Robert Graves to Ernest Hemingway to Christopher Hitchens, few have gained such notoriety - domestically, at least - and irony as the carrying to the final rest, a very restless procession, of the body of Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri in April 2015. The Vice President of the regime now gone would not rest long before appearing to proclaim the premature nature of his demise.
Arising as a very concrete and provincial power, and bent on - in some sense - resurrecting the Saddam regime, if not Al-Ba'ath, in its latest and most miserable incarnation, paranoid and prone to incorporate the latest Islamist and openly Jihadi trends in its secular law, formerly praised by zealous Westerners as embodiments of the alternative to repressive colonial and hibernated traditionalist dogma. Where the Ba'athists had proclaimed, more or less piously, lashings and brandings and amputations and beheadings, for the corrupt (not currently in favour), the promiscuous (likewise), the stealing (again...) and so forth, the new Islamist brand would practice its new-old creed through a lense of icily serious theology, killing and otherwise doling out justice before recognised in name as a state. For its breakthrough in Iraq, whereas its rise in Syria had been shielded by an optical pad of civil war, liberation and general chaos, he was instrumental in forging together tribes and veterans and criminals and business interests joined only by a common defiance of an evermore aggressive, near-genocidal Shi'ite-dominated conglomerate in Baghdad. From this common denominator of vindicated and besieged Sunnidom, a common formula was reached, and proved strong enough to vanquish the highly financed, and highly ineffective armed forces of Iraq now left to its own, now mainly proverbial, defences.
A paragon of times seemingly gone. Yet the two forces he steered, never really recognised but unforgotten, may yet test the turbulent times that reigned before and after him.
In all this, Izzat Ibrahim, the Devil's actual deputy for 40 years, continued for another eighteen summers in his waining twilight years, and grew into a man of his own making long before entering the stage as the chairman of this force which - bar his competitor in Syria, which at that point had died, replaced by a sordid, last-minute Dauphin by now reduced to tragedy and humiliation in his triumph - had once been assumed as the future of the Arab world, a face perhaps further away from Nasser's than any man. Yet, Izzat's face, that of the Undying, would live long after carried in a glass box to cheering crowds, to a quiet and barely even forgotten announcement five years before his already long-expected demise, perhaps represented Babylonia and its British-made current construct of Iraq itself; a cobbled construct, quiet and small, unassuming but able to punch well above his weight; his final years were ultimately as tragic as any of his age in such times, but he refused assuming the cloak of complete obscurity even as the entire world around surmised it. His hand helped guide Iraq throughout the entire Ba'athist epoch and well beyond it, transcending the supposed, equally false and cobbled divide between Ba'athist Islamist hand-and-head-chopping "secularism" in place in the early 2000s and the violent, supposedly Salafi-Jihadi but equally Sunni Arab identitarian movement we yesterday talked about as if it were the prime geopolitical foe of the day. Being a paragon of these two spent forces, he may represent the most pathetic and wasted in a man of supreme intelligence, sublime intrigue for which his tribe was never particularly known, and survival in a world where those who could save the day, it may seem, are already dead.
onsdag 2 december 2020
The Emperor of the Fifth Republic
måndag 30 november 2020
The Strange (Second) Life of Lech Walesa
söndag 15 november 2020
A republic, not a demo(no)cracy
måndag 9 november 2020
The Other Dylan
He was larger than that, however. Due to his inability to accomplish financial security from his talent, he was a man of real life and labour, of which he had time to go through
The first paragraph was, only last year, immortalised to me yet again when fellow East coaster Bruce Springsteen noted he thought it would not apply to the now encumbered, then only so cumbersome, president. Well, we shall see.
Do not go easy into the Night
Rage, rage against the dying of the Light...
söndag 8 november 2020
The Writer and the Roots
onsdag 4 november 2020
One election in December
måndag 2 november 2020
Uterine Scalia
lördag 14 mars 2020
The Irony of an Antagonistic Lecture
Today, after the first (the second swiftly following the first, with eery predictability of what follows next) casualties from the Swedish Covid-19 swathe of the now pandemic proportions of this global disease, Chinese authorities issued a stern warning with much more resemble of a rebuke, claiming first that Swedish countermeasures were belated, insufficient and clearly marred by indecisiveness, second a (possibly even more rebuking) call to the European Union to chastise its member state. Having followed this - as we may sternly call it - health crisis since inception, China being the author written on its premier Swedish victim and so far the one to recover, I cannot but sternly agree with the claim.
Why, you may ask? Apart from the somewhat contradictory and clearly discomforting (as one might expect, if not from a figure of authority lending his voice to a stunned public when outlining a plan and measures for which they have supposedly been trained for years, if not decades) representatives of competent authorities, which went from claiming the pathogen had reached Sweden but once the impossible (and arguably inevitable) had been confirmed, had also been confined to an apartment in Jönköping for eventual, if not immediate destruction inside the host who had brought it there. Then, after a month and furious debate fanned by the flames outside the realm, the swiftly emerging crisis and Iran and the calls - whether prejudiced or, as we may presume now, only concerned or perhaps even rightly so - for an Iranian airliner to be halted or at least isolated, then for temporary guests in Italy, a known path for a previous as well as pervious pathogen even in the minds of the most uneducated, to be tested upon reentering the kingdom now supposedly salvaged, and amidst promises of preparations, more alarming promises from authorities more or less not in position of power that such plans were insufficient or would at least not be imposed to the extent required, we have now to stare into a bloodbath of sanguinary proportions, and the unerring plausibility of an economic downturn as rippling as that we have emerged from only so seemingly unscathed.
lördag 7 mars 2020
The Tyranny of the Crowds
The decision, hailed and demanded in expectation by his own (?) son, to withdraw the genius-perpetrator Woody Allen's memoirs might have been expected against even an icon so entrenched in his supposed genius and wickedness. Expected, for so few supposedly stood against the tidal wave of condemnation and - moreover - demand that condemnation be issued not by the institutions of justice - so very marred by their impartial, slow progress of the senses, of sensitivity - into a beacon of justice for all, no matter how small, but foremost against those already put in the dock.
måndag 27 januari 2020
The opening of the gates of hell, and the limits of barbarity
This date, succeeding better than that loudly (and more immediately) proclaimed by president Roosevelt as one which would "live in infamy", marked in its infancy by the liberation, release and reinauguration of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp, has been observed with increasing vigour as surrogate voices of the damned and negated are evidently carried on, with decreasing frequency, by their luckier - at any rate, breathing - peers, whose lives would nevertheless go into a lifelong encapsulating of a truth now known to all, to bear witness to that which surely no one would question...?
On this severity, the last and greater Israeli Nasi HaMedina, then about 90 and soon to celebrate a full term as head of a nation only approaching conception and nativity as the gates of barbarity swung definitively open openly quipped that while the massacres of the Armenians only a sibling-space before his own birth would have been a very fresh wound, its butchers and torturers and killers still very much alive and already (and certainly now) forgotten, despite brave and sometimes relentless efforts of diplomats such as Henry Morgenthau Senior (the man whose breed would threaten to repay the Germans in kind) and Erwin Scheubner-Richtner, the only person to play a role of note (if rather symbolic and very posthumously in the latter case) of the Armenian and German cases of this very intense exercise in barbarity. (I'm sorry, I said "Armenian", surely I meant Ottoman-Turkish-Caliphian?)