onsdag 30 oktober 2024

The Experiment Resumed (across the aisle)

Donald Trump, the comeback geezer. Who would have thought, even eight or seven years ago, that he would stand at the precipice of another non-consecutive term, a feat undeniably born as much from tactless Democratic arrogance, and incompetence, as from his own inarguably magnetic, if magnetically divisive, command of charisma. If he wins, as he is - as opposed to in 2016, as well known by this author - predicted doing, he will be 

And arguably, Donald Trump is unfit for this office. I myself, though I steered clear of that specific iceberg of a phrase 

And then, on the other side of the strait, a Scylla, Ms. Harris. A woman - the fact so cherished by her superior predecessor, Mrs. Clinton, in 2016, now very selectively (and perhaps neurotically) upheld as an argument from the "diversity" crowd - of far narrower intellectual proportions, almost touching those of her predecessor. This, as the elderly ex-housekeeper familiar to the call of Carcosa said in True Detective, should frighten you, but not for the same reasons. While his front porch, or basement, or keyboard strategy, arguably understandable in 2020, was dictated by the need for a constitutional monarch, protected from result and blemish by any meaningful primary, her being put in the same position, a maid at the bow of the ship of democracy, heralds far greater horrors as far as the position and integrity of the office is concerned. Yes; I am not beyond saying these words of her as well. While it "should be enough", as has been said (perhaps not enough) of her contender . And if that is not enough, should the fact she is neck in neck to the man, Donald Trump, not the most popular (ex-)president in United States history, or even biting at his sordid coattails, be enough? 

Be that as it may, whichever candidate you regard as impossible - a choice seemingly much in line with sex, as it has been in my country of birth - or whether, conclusively, you find that a serious ballot (leaving alone whether there is anything else) can be cast for either party which have held a monopoly since the exit of Mr. Fillmore in March 1853, it is clear that a gradual and very symbiotic degeneration of both parties . Hence, the two-party system, while predictable and largely sympathetic, for as long it held conservative Democrats (now an extinct species) and liberal Republicans (now the conservative ones being the hounded minority) is to blame. We must . And here I would put much blame, if blame for inaction can ever be issued, at Mr. Sanders, who I have praised and wished good fortune in the past not because of my complete coherence with him on issues, or admiration of his deep intellectual rigour, but for identifying something which is not only, and could be much more popular, but also... unifying. Well, what would have been wrong with an American Party? In this, at least, I must offer my gracious praise of Mrs. Stein. Third time's the charm, it is said, and although I agree with GRRM:s stillborn praise, supporting her agenda and denouncing her character (an important issue, and not only to be used as a dagger against the Orange One) was sub-par. With Mr. West I know . Of Mr. Kennedy, well, while much positive may be spoken, he is now as much a figure of the past as well as, conceivably, the future - but not, under any circumstance, of next Tuesday. His feat this year was a great betrayal, though it followed on a crime so abominable it may, perhaps, be washed out with outright betrayal, though not, I think, by sullying his own colours. 

tisdag 1 oktober 2024

The One Hundred Years of Carter

It was a moment I had been waiting for, if a bit unsteady . The record set by the second, if