"The Nobel laureate has died." Few words put a greater spell of insecurity, i.e. the sense of not feeling certain as to what my sentiments should be, as these aforementioned.
The fact that this bank, whatever the decisions made within it, or the collective of minds having made their bread from it, is celebrated and was being dignified with this prize is, particularly to the Swedish mind, impossibly endearing, especially as a statement to a country which still finds it hard to be just a country. This is, however, a slightly chauvinistic point and certainly not justifying the grand exemption from the ironclad no-waterskiing-behind-the-Nobel-coattails rule.
I have, however, felt a great joy over the varying disciplines - as opposed to the, justifiably, but not always defensibly so, predictable slate of Medicine, Physics, Chemistry laureates, and perhaps the same could be spoken for Literature - included in the vast, and perhaps controversial, line of Nobel economics" laureates. And no less so in knowldge of the work underlying some of them. And none, perhaps, speaks less to this than professor Kahneman, the psychologist who . Neurosurgery and neuroscience, which advances vastly beyond the Medicine discipline (as long as the, also very welcome, decision to grant aforementioned prize to Mr. Pääbo, again with the flag-touting chauvinism)