torsdag 16 december 2021
The Voice of the Outer World
torsdag 11 november 2021
The Hero and his Time
söndag 31 oktober 2021
The Final Chapter
tisdag 19 oktober 2021
The Good Constituent
söndag 10 oktober 2021
The Two-China Problem
Could this have been averted? Well, likely not. But the sealing of the fate of Hong Kong, as it was or perhaps "as it ought have been" (or at least "as Chris Patten would have us believe it ought to have been", his wit and undeniably Cassandric qualities being greatly compensated by his lack of using them even to demonstrate, at the critical moment, his revulsion until fear had become reality) has certainly sealed another path, that of the republic being abolished in full, and the polity known to the world as "Taiwan" (and the Pescadores, and so on) until the point of combat and invasion being the all-expected path to such an outcome. The Taiwanese will never surrender, will never walk the Hong Kong dao (no one bothers to mention Macau, demonstrating; at least unintentionally their greater devotion to British norms) into the jaws of Xi. This posits, as it did in 1949 and perhaps more dramatically, the two-China problem.
måndag 27 september 2021
The End of Mutti
And has thus the man now set to replace her, from a set of two perhaps as pitiful as the circumstances, reinvigorated the SPD, a historic force, christened by an eminence such as myself as one of the foremost of the Western world, alongside the British Tories and the American, non-Canadian Republican Party (to this, and scrapping the ambiguous Wayne-esque "Western", one ought to mention the Liberal Democratic Party, non-bird; the Gongchandang now soon two thirds the SPD's remarkable age, the Bharatiya Janata Party; prematurely but I would sooner play the role of Cassandra than Suetonius)? Well, taking into account the grand realignments supposedly at work in the Western political canon, and its limitations in the case of Germany (supposedly shielded from certain trends, most potently until the last Bundestag election which brought back ordoliberal sincerity as well as a curiously Ostalgic anti-European force for chauvinistic German hegemon... whatever, as well as the death of the most appalling scion of SPD who seemed, for a moment, crowned to lead its realignment) one could as well lean on the used, but very much un-disproved cane of flunctuation, with the party of power for 16 years being mathematically unsound to hold out for much longer, as it had been in 1998, despite obvious greater victories. The result? A half-invigorated SPD, polling six million votes worse than it did in 1972, three million worse than the catastrophic result in 1983, which consigned it to another 15 years in opposition. In truth, the result shows, apart from above-stated truisms of the inevitability of defeat the impotency of liberal-progressive as well as "alternative", alt-right (Communist-nostalgic) forces to prevail. The grand variable, heralded for long as the new force for German politics, and unlikely to escape that reality, is the sobering result of Die Grünen; not "the Greens", which would imply a comparison to the current within Swedish governmental politics far flung from the spirit of the 1970s/80s which spawned them, and so far from the clear-cut case of effective Green government, the case of Baden-Württemberg posing hopefully prophetic, that one would rather not mention them within the same sentence. Personally, I think, had the Grünen nominated Kretschmann, a sincere and seasoned voice and an outstanding head of government to challenge Scholz and Laschet in their supposed core strengths, we might well have ended with a green column closest to the ceiling, and shouts across Europe, including where no shouting is due (well, as the general murmured, we shall see soon enough). And a hotchpotch of coalition work to do, with a 23 % surging Greens working with a displaced and humiliated 22 % CDU and SPD at 21 %, either a humiliated and unreliable junior partner, and a strong FDP at 15 %, its near-historic resurge a mystery, the only certainty in such a reality - as in ours - being that while an increasing veneer of the German people have turned to the AfD for "alternative" politics, these must not be reflected in the executive branch, whatever the costs. Whatever will come next, that is. We will make it, fear not. Noch einmal, noch zweimals.
fredag 7 maj 2021
The Strange Death of the conservative Party
Another point made by the equally once-illustrious The Atlantic, a name befitting the once-unconquerable ocean gone beyond the age of simply being trod over by the now-deceased Concorde, is that she has been a GOP firebrand for all of Trump's policies, meaning the hardest thunderbolt self-hurled at the Democrats "until the insurrection". Well excuse me, but since when has this thing, I mean critique (quotation marks being perhaps necessary, but then superfluous) been a thing of the age of Trumpism or "Trumpianism"? It would feel too obvious to I also don't grasp how much power the lie of the stolen election ("stolen" being a rhetorical, rather than a legal category, with many considering the elections of 2000 and 2016 stolen in every way other than the courts having affirmed it (the case of 1960, where Nixon actually can claim to have won, if yet a sliver, of the popular vote over Kennedy's, in my view only more sordid in its amelioration as by the fact that indeed it seems to have been).
The equally ludicrous proposition, now swiftly forgotten, that Cheney's lesbianism (or her fathers more-than-tacit liberalism on the issue, which exceeded of President Clinton or former president-elect Gore) should necessitate a more progressive, or "GOP Classic" agenda - the Trumpista movement being, of course, hallmarked by its rampant homophobia, as exemplified by its prime scion's stance on equally ludicrous, or let's say solipsistic "questions" over Mr. Jenner's bathroom of choice, or the more groundbreaking proposal by a GOP candidate that a clerk who refused to endorse gay marriage in her office should go to jail (you ask whether Kerry, or indeed Bush could have escaped without notice over that eleven summers before) - has not been left wayside either, however. In this cosmic, dualist strife, there can only be loyalty to my issues on the side of good.
söndag 2 maj 2021
Salman's Arabia, revisited
lördag 1 maj 2021
Arabian Thaw
lördag 17 april 2021
Ode to the Living
I must say, I do not write this particular post other than out of a certain morbid curiosity to revisit it when these times have, as Proust may have thought, fallen into the decay of time passed, partly out of a certain - and very much premature - sadness and regret I may not live to shake the hand of the very living Esteban Volkov and ask about his peculiar and uncelebrated lifespan, if I should be so lucky to replicate either. However, in a time where such possibilities are of the present, we may meditate on them and on how the past, as seen in this extraordinary destiny, continues to guard the present.
måndag 12 april 2021
Gagarin - To the Might of Human Endeavour
torsdag 11 mars 2021
This Question of Islam
måndag 15 februari 2021
En Elegy to Catalonia
I did not write (much) on the then-up-and-exploding crisis on the long-simmering Catalan independence-versus-self government-question, despite it being an island of labour and the occasional elegant sentence, and thus so greater the reason to recapitulate the question and its developments now that one (well...) term in office of the post-referendum Parliament of Catalunya has now passed.
söndag 14 februari 2021
2021, 1912, and the future of the (not so) Grand, (no longer) Old Party
torsdag 11 februari 2021
The Trial, not involving John Grisham
And to be determined, it must also be said, is a question left to resolve. For nobody strongly believes, except those with minds so clouded by dread and desire in the short term, could possibly believe that this impeachment, for the same reasons as before - with the partial exception of 1868, when the GOP did possess a two-thirds majority required to usher in a parliamentary government, and did so, against the best efforts of Senator Ross of Kansas - would fail to meet, and for thus define, a required threshold since nearly two and a half centuries as "high crimes and misdemeanours". What are, once we liberate ourselves from the illusion of political impeachment constituting any sort of legal justice, these "high crimes and misdemeanours"? Well, as any jurist from Ulpian to Tribonian to Malik ibn Anas to Blackstone would have told you, that is a matter left for the judge, once all has been said and deliberated by, or eventually of, the views of the neurons inherent in the infallible legislator. This question, whether read by an originalist with a fetisch for eighteenth-century slavery, or a new-thinking , defining in the moment of a decision ad hoc a liberal ethos itself liberated from the individual selfish mind or intrapersonal desires and trends,